Our First Valentine Together- February 14, 2008, Manila Bay, Mall of Asia 

We attended lavapalooza (valentine gathering of close up toothpaste where couples will kiss at the same time) but we left before the grand event of kissing... we didn't like the songs being sang.. imagine on valentines day all you will hear songs like "tatsulok of bamboo" then "bye bye na of rico blanco" ---we didnt feel the romantic ambiance in the area... so we left and went to manila bay still in mall of asia.
It was late night around 9:30 pm we were still in manila bay chatting about our love story, that it was our first valentine together, and my first date on a valentines day with a boyfriend (because as you know i worked in islandrose an online marketing of roses wherein valentines day in the company is the big day that we have to stay late at work... in short that time of conversation is in our "yabing yabing mode" (my own term for lambingan ). Then suddenly we had our quite time.. he stopped talking... i looked up the sky and saw beautiful fireworks sponsored by sm mall of asia for the lavapalooza meaning in that area where couples gathered (wherewe left) are now kissing all at the same time... i think it's 15mins fireworks beautiful sight! Then for the first time i saw a HEART SHAPED fireworks and to my happiness i was very excited to face christian and tell him what i saw. I called him up loudly though he is beside me "tingnan mo heart shaped na fireworks" (look heart shaped fireworks) thenn he replied " gusto mo ng heart?" (you want a heart?) That's the time i looked at him and saw him giving me a heart shaped red box. Even though it wasnt yet opened i know what's inside... i almost cried to my surprise when he immediately said " bilisan mo na baka malaglag sa tubig" (make it fast it might fall down to the water) so the moment stopped! hehe
He told me that he was silent forawhile because he was praying to God that he will give to me the ring at the most romantic time and place. He didnt know about the fireworks, but it was God answers to his prayer. I had the most beautiful,romantic,awesome proposal.
And you know what? 2 days after i reserved the date to Malate Church the nearest church in Manila Bay. I made that decision immediately so that he will not change his mind hahaha...
Tip to Girls:
So girls when guys proposed to you make an action plan immediately, when you say yes to marriage proposal.. the following day is wedding planning...
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